WALT know what the CARE values mean.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can say what C A R and E stand for and what we need to do to practise these Values.
 "I know that to show respect I need to speak nicely to everyone".


Mini Monets          

WALT use various materials to create art, hold a paintbrush and mix colours. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can use the brush and sponge to show a variety of techniques, show perseverance and care when finishing work.

STUDENT VOICE " I have made my painting like Monet's by using  the paintbrush and the sponge".

Integrated Learning Term 3

WALT know what changes can we make to make to make our new playground and learning spaces more learner friendly? What designs /plans do we need to make?

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can design an object for a new playground or a new learning space at our school.  

STUDENT VOICE " Look at my cool slide".

Term 3 Maths


Easy Blog Photo

WALT write an interesting story.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We have used words like because and words that make our story good to read.

STUDENT VOICE " I have made my story interesting to read by writing good stories". 

Physical Education - Skipping

Eva's Skipping

WALT skip.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can turn the rope and jump at the same time. 

STUDENT VOICE " I can skip really well and I can go fast".