Term 4 Writing

This is a sample of our writing when were challenged to write a story independently from the teacher.

To write a story about a fun time with friends independently from the teacher.

I can write a story about a fun time with friends.

Integrated Topic - Science and the Living World

Learning Intention: We are learning to identify living and non living things.

We are growing potatoes in a bucket. I put potting mix in the bucket, then planted a potato. Little potatoes grow off the roots. We can have potatoes for Christmas.


September 2015
I am learning to: sort 2D shapes by their geometric properties.
Success criteria: I can group shapes and talk about their properties.

Here we are counting shapes on our shape man activity sheet.

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We are learning to: make a gymnastic sequence with our buddy
Success criteria: I can perform my sequence at the same time as my buddy


I am learning to: write a story about a time when I did something really well.
Success criteria: I can draw a picture plan and write a story about something I did really well.

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